Wholesale Acrylic Box Frame Pricing Sheet
Prices are based on united inches, Length + Width. All sizes through 49” are $145.00.
(Wholesale To The Trade)

United Inches
Length & Width

Straight-Edge, Sanded,
& Buff Polished
50" $153.68
51" $158.63
52" $163.41
53" $168.27
54" $173.32
55" $175.65
56" $179.22
57" $183.00
58" $186.78
59" $190.54
60" $194.63
61" $197.26
62" $200.56
63" $203.93
64" $207.15
65" $210.34
66" $213.64
67" $267.04
68" $220.12
69" $223.34
70" $226.60
71" $232.40
72" $235.63
73" $238.98
74" $242.19
75" $247.49
76" $251.98